Sabtu, 26 Juli 2008

My Idola

Idolaku Jend.Sudirman

Saya sangat sedih jika anak-anak Indonesia lebih mengidolakan para aktor,aktris,penyanyi ataupun grup band dari pada pahlawan-pahlawan yang telah memperjuangkan Indonesia,mereka telah berjuang dengan gigih tanpa kenal lelah memperjuangkan Indonesia tercinta ini.Merekalah yang lebih baik kita Idolakan.Harapanku Di Peringatan Harkitnas ini generasi penerus bangsa ini lebih mencntai/mengidolakan dan Para Pahlawan. Bukankah bangsa yang baik adalah bangsa yang menghormati para pahlawannya?

Saya sangat mengidolakan Jend.sudirman di bawah ini saya mencoba menguraikan artikelnya dengan B.Inggris maaf ya jika masih ada yang salah..

Jend.Sudirman is A Good Leader

In Banyumas there were several military training fields. The children liked to watch the soldiers do their training .Little Sudirman often went there too.

When he was young boy, Sudirman joined the Hisbul Wathon Scoutingin Cilacap.e was a good boy scout. He had good discipline and was why he became a boy scout leader.

One day Sudirman and his boy scout friends went camping to Batur, a village near the Dieng mountains. It was a beautiful place. It was rather cool during the day, but at night it was very cold. The boy scout slept in their tents. Before long most of the boys left their tents. It was too cold for them. They went to sleep in the nearby houses. Sudirman stayed in tent with a few of his friends.

“I also feel very cold, but I don’t want to leave the tent. It’s good exercise for us. We may have a much more difficult time than this in our future.”

After finishing Junior High School, Sudirman went to study at a teaching school. He didn’t finish his studies there because in 1934 his father, Pak Cokro, died. No one paid for Sudirman school, so he left school. He started to work. He work as a teacher in HIS Muhammadiyah, Cilacap. He made many friends among the teachers, and then made a decision. Many people liked him as a leader.

During Japanese occupation, Sudirman joined the PETA military training. The Japanese trained Indonesian young men to be soldiers. These young men had to fight the Japan’s enemies. Sudirman became one of the leaders. As a leader, Sudirman often argued with his Japanese superiors for his soldiers’needs.

Sudirman’s training in PETA gave him a lot of military knowledge. This would be very useful for him later when he became the Commander-in-Chief of TNI.

A Simple and Humble General

As a boy young Sudirman was very simple. As a General he was also very simple. He lived a simple life.He never put himself above other people.He was very humble.

We can see Pak Dirman’ssimple life in his house. He didn’t use expensive furniture. When he was ill,his friends came to visit him.They saw simple wooden furniture in his house.He drank from an earthen ‘kendi’. His friends asked pak Dirman.

“why do you live so siple?”

Pak Dirman Answered,

“I would embarrassed towards my souldiers if I didn’n live simply.”Pak Dirman saw how poor his soldiers were. He didn’t want to live luxuriously, while his souldiers didn’t have enough food and clothes.

To be simple and humble became Pak Dirman’s principle. He taught this to his children. A few years ago someone met Pak Dirman’s daughter. She was an officer in the army.

“No body knows you are the daughter of the Great General Sudirman. Why is that? Do you try to hide your self ?”She said,

“I’m embarrassed to say I’m the daughter of Pak Dirma.His Name is too great for me.”

As a commander in Chief of TKR, Pak Dirman had several assistants. One of them was Urip Sumoharjo. Pak Urip was much older tan Pak Dirman. Pak Dirman thought of him as is elder brother. Pak Urip had more military knowledge. He had years of Dutch military education. Pak Dirman only had months of training in PETA. Pak Urip was like a teacher and an advisor to Pak Dirman.

One day Pak Urip was ill. He could not come to a meeting in Pak Dirman’house. It was a meeting of Indonesian military officers. Pak Dirman asked the other officers to have the meeting at Pak Urip’s house.After the meeting they all visited Pak Urip in hos bedroom. Pak Urip didn’t think his Commander-in-Chief would visit him. Then Pak Dirman told him about the result of the meeting. At the end of the visit, Pak Dirman Stood up. He made a military salute to Pak Urip.This was unusual. Actually Pak Urip had to salute first. The other officers in that room saw a very important example. It was example of a humble general.

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